
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

NYC ban on talking and walking proposed

In this day and age, multi tasking is a way of life. If you can't, you fail. Period. Like this woman
But one man not only despises the thought of it, but actually seeks to ban the combination of walking and using some form of movile device, be it mp3 players or cell phones while crossing the street. The ban comes from the death of 21 year old Jason King, The man was listening to his music player while crossing the street and was hit by a truck.
Sen. Kruger, the man behind the ban, claims it comes on the heels of a number of vehicle/pedestrian accidents.
If you ask me, the ban needs to be focused more on the drivers and less on the pedestrians. Just because he was listening to his music player doesn't mean his vision was impared. And as pedestrians go, they have the right of way.
Kruger claims “When people are doing things that are detrimental to their own well being, then government should step in."
Personally, I don't think it's Kruger's business whether we do something detrimental to our health or not. This a free country and the minute the government steps in to start banning things, this country will turn into countries like China and Russia.
We are a society raised on technology nad there is no way you are going to prevent people from walking and listening to music or walking and talking. You want to ban that, ban walking and chewing gum or just being an idiot in general.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, I'm not saying that people should text and drive because it can be harmful and I am also not saying that we shouldn't where seat-belts, but some things are a persons own decision. A ban on walking and talking is extreme what can be done? Sit and tell someone that you will be late to come to their rescue because you are writing down the directions they gave you instead of rushing as fast as you can? It's crazy if the ban comes to reality people will go crazy.
