
Friday, January 21, 2011

Netflix to do away with DVDs

Clearly, Netflix you forgot what you were created for
So I read in a recent article that Netflix, the popular movie by mail rental company is going to do away with DVDs. Say what?? Now when I first read this I thought what I am sure all of you are thinking, I wont be able to get DVDs anymore from Netflix which completely defeats the point.
Upon further investigation, I learned that they are simply removing the option of adding DVDs to your queue from portable devices: ie phones, wii, etc. This seems so pointless to me. What does this possible acheive? Nothing. However, Netflix believes that by removing this option, it will encourage users to streem movies on their portable devices. They even stated on their blog
"We’re doing this so we can concentrate on offering you the titles that are available to watch instantly. Further, providing the option to add a DVD to your Queue from a streaming device complicates the instant watching experience and ties up resources that are better used to improve the overall streaming functionality"
Don't count on it considering the extreme restrictions internet companies are putting on streaming and bandwidth. I don't want to take away my much coveted surfing and viewing abilities simply because Netflix is feeling greedy with the options.
I pay you, Netflix, don't make me regret it.

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