
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

NPR fires Ron Schiller

NPR announced recently that Ronald Schiller has been fired from the radio giant. The decision came after Schiller made a comment that NPR would be better without federal funding. NPR released a statement saying

The comments contained in the video released today are contrary to everything we stand for, and we completely disavow the views expressed. NPR is fair and open minded about the people we cover. Our reporting reflects those values every single day in the civility of our programming, the range of opinions we reflect and the diversity of stories we tell.

I personally think the decision to fire Schiller over his opinion is completely ridiculous and goes against everything the 1st amendment and NPR stands for. Schiller in no way made negative comments or actions against the station, he simply stated his own opinion. Actions like this make me think that not only does NPR go against what they believe in, but that they don't deserve the funding.


  1. I do agree that he should not be fired. I guess that company dont believe in the U.S.Constitution when it comes to free speech. It seems like every day is that our constitution is becoming more and more irrevelant.

  2. "Schiller made a comment that NPR would be better without federal funding." I have not really decided how I feel about this particular situation only because, when this is your job there are certain thing that you should and should not say. I do understand free speech and all but that doesn't mean you can say anything about your job.

  3. Why would he say that in the first place? I mean NPR gets free money from the government. I do agree with you Mary I don’t think they should have fired him just for saying that “NPR would be better off without federal funding”. That is his opinion. It would be different if he was making cruel rude comments but he wasn’t. I think they should rehire him. It’s his opinion maybe other people who work for NPR feel that way, but we will never know now. They won’t speak up because I’m sure they don’t want to lose their jobs.
